Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by nikola drumski
Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - September 14th 2019-09-11 18h23m36.mp3
1 117
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/11062'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - September 14th 2019-09-11 18h23m36.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=igm2ie' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by nikola drumski
Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - August 10th 2019-08-06 9h17m36.mp3
1 116
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/11000'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - August 10th 2019-08-06 9h17m36.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=idf83r' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by nikola drumski
Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - July 13th 2019-07-06 13h15m41.mp3
1 125
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/10731'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - July 13th 2019-07-06 13h15m41.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=iafr05' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by nikola drumski
Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - June 08th 2019-06-01 22h21m22 01.mp3
1 152
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/10689'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio - June 08th 2019-06-01 22h21m22 01.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=hpl0g5' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by nikola drumski
Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio May 11th 20192019-05-04 0h23m09.mp3
1 171
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/10647'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: Nikola Drumski - Sounds Of the Underground TM Radio May 11th 20192019-05-04 0h23m09.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=hnf1j3' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

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Sounds Of The Underground

Nikola Drumski

Show is not active
March 9th, 2019
September 14th, 2019
7 Episodes
Mixture of deep,dark,progressive and melodic sounds...just the way Nikola Drumski is doing it always. True followers probably know what to expect from this show, but for those who never listened before...you just need to hear it, feel it...no one can explain you music with words.
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